Friday, January 14, 2011

King Still King? Of Course He Is.

Occasionally I look around in this very classroom (2nd period) and observe the diversity in this environment. I don't just observe it I appreciate the fact that I get to sit in a class full of peers that are of different colors, creeds and cultures. It makes me think back to the days of slavery and the days of the civil rights movement. I wonder if the slaves that ran to freedom or the protesters that fought for equality would be proud. The things they fought for like education, the right to vote, and equal treatment aren't dreams and visions anymore they are a reality.
King made it possible for me to live in America and not be confined to just being a "colored" girl. Now I can eat at the same restaurants as anyone else. I can get the same education or better if I have the mental ability. Although, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did not fight that fight alone he was a great leader. He had the courage to lead a people who were tired and frustrated and needed a change. It took someone who could instill his followers with the same courage and determination that kept him fighting for what he believed in. He did not get to see his dream come true but the fact that his dream still lives on long after his death shows he is still King. The fact that there has been much progress shows that he is still the great, the one and only Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.