Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thank You Santa =^)

I always hoped to be home for the holidays
Sipping hot cocoa with marshmallows by the fireplace
Enchantment drifts through the air as I look at your smiling face
And if I had to choose I would choose to be no other place

You being in my life is already a gift of its own
I cherish each moment as they pile like the winter snow
Through the mail I sent Santa a letter
I told not to come for me because no matter what he would bring I had something better

I also wished that he would make your dreams come true
And to make this Holiday the cheeriest one for us two
I'm already content with what I have because
All I want for Christmas is you ♥

Thursday, November 25, 2010

YOU'RE A PLOW!....Noooo, I'm a snow plow =)

Growing up in Chicago the only plow I'm familiar with is a snow plow. What exactly does a snow plow do? It plows the unwanted mess of snow on the streets out of the way. Don't get me wrong snow can be beautiful, but for those who travel in the winter (everyone)snow really makes that daily commute a difficult task. Thanks to snow plows traveling during the winter season is made a bit easier.
When I say I'm a snow plow I mean it in a metaphorical way. Living life to me means you take the good with the bad. Snow is the bad stuff in this sense; you know the unfortunate things you wish didn't have to happen to you. When they do happen life goes on and so do you. When obstacles are thrown in my path I have to figure out how to get through them and come out strong.I would say I am a plow because when I must face a difficult time I do my best to overcome it. Let's face it life at times can be a female dog. My advice to you is to keep on living or should I say keep on plowing ;)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor....Hero or Stooge?

Hmmmm, John Proctor, I believe he is more of a stooge than a hero. Although, he is fighting for a better Reverend than Parris to lead the Church and town he also does his own wrong doings. Who wants to go to Church only to hear about the burning depths of HELL!I agree with Proctor 100%. Church should not be about the negative, but it should focus on God and how to worship. Ultimately, sinning=hell, but if Proctor so badly wants to change the Church and follow a good Puritan life why is he commiting a sin...Adultery. According to the bible it is wrong so why is he doing it.This makes him a hyprocrite and that adds to the stooge character. One moment he's all for changing the church and the next he's having an affair. What does he actually stand for? Proctor is a bit sinnister as well he's sneaky and secretive. He's always bickering with Parris which shows his malovent feelings. Proctor just seems to be evil on the inside and he is putting on a mask of good-hearted faith on the outside. He's a devil in disguise.

Friday, September 17, 2010

There Goes the Neighborhood

I wasn't born when my "There Goes The Neighborhood" moment happened, but my father was and he told me about what happened. My dad is from a small town in Mississippi called, Yazoo City. There are both blacks and whites in Yazoo County (County in which Yazoo City is in). When my father was a teenager back in the 70's a change began to take place in the county.
There were more whites than blacks at the time so the whites occupied Yazoo City. The other part of the county is known as the "country" . Black people began to migrate into the city because if you lived in the country there was a distance of a couple of miles to get to school and work. So it only made since to move into the more urbanized area. Whites didn't like the change when more and more black people began moving into their neighborhoods. Ultimately the whites began to move out and into the country and if they stayed in the city they lived in a secluded quiet neighborhood where couldn't affor to live (at the time).
The blacks and whites made a switch or as I would call it a silent trade. Whites opened their own school in the country for their kids so they wouldnt have to travel that far. Most families had cars so transportation to and from work wasn't a problem. Everyone seemed not to have a problem with the change. It's just sad that the two different races couldn't come together and make things better. The result of this switch leads to the two races not knowing how to interact on a level other than tolerence.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'd Like to Introduce Myself (Introduction)

I'd like to think I know where I'm headed in life, but at this age I don't and I'm not quite sure when I will. Living for the present is all I should and do care about. The toughest of my worries is school. Many things evolve around it; a social life, classes, clubs, sports, etc. At this moment I’m focused on what I want out of life, fun.
I just absolutely love hanging out with my friends. Chilling on a Saturday night together is about what I would like to be doing 80% of the time. Laughing is something I love to do. Make me laugh hard enough and I cry. It's weird, but that's just me. I'm fun and lively once you get me out of my shell. Yes, I am a bit shy and quiet, but once I'm completely comfortable I'm said to be a little crazy; just a little.
I have such an affinity for music. I like playing music, listening to it, creating it, anything with music! One of my many dreams is to be an signed artist. I take piano here at Whitney Young it is difficult due to the expectations of the teacher but this year is starting off very fun. Another class I really enjoy is Chemistry because I'm highly interested in science. Becoming a forensic scientist is plan B if the whole music thing falls through.
I looked forward to critical thinking in American Lit. I like to think of myself as a thinker; in some cases maybe even an analyst. I like those questions with no direct answer or have many of answers due to each individual’s point of view. I appreciate when teachers help me understand, evaluate or discover something brand new to me. I can already tell this class is going to be one of my favs. At the end of the day I intend to make the best of this year...=)