Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor....Hero or Stooge?

Hmmmm, John Proctor, I believe he is more of a stooge than a hero. Although, he is fighting for a better Reverend than Parris to lead the Church and town he also does his own wrong doings. Who wants to go to Church only to hear about the burning depths of HELL!I agree with Proctor 100%. Church should not be about the negative, but it should focus on God and how to worship. Ultimately, sinning=hell, but if Proctor so badly wants to change the Church and follow a good Puritan life why is he commiting a sin...Adultery. According to the bible it is wrong so why is he doing it.This makes him a hyprocrite and that adds to the stooge character. One moment he's all for changing the church and the next he's having an affair. What does he actually stand for? Proctor is a bit sinnister as well he's sneaky and secretive. He's always bickering with Parris which shows his malovent feelings. Proctor just seems to be evil on the inside and he is putting on a mask of good-hearted faith on the outside. He's a devil in disguise.


  1. Everyone sins so wouldn't we all be hypocrites. The Bible states that "for ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Interestingly enough, John Proctor has admitted that he was wrong and regrets it. It's between him and God. But your point is quite interesting as I haven't seen this point yet.

  2. I can't really agree with you there. I think John Proctor was majorly a hero. Since he confessed his affair with Abigail and put a stop to it. John understood what he did wrong and never fell back into temptation. Those to me are the signs of a true hero.

    Good Post (:
